Wilderness Artificiality

The other day my wife and I went for a run. The challenge was to run six miles outside. It was a rare feat for both of us. We chose to run in downtown Jefferson, Georgia. We started near a park which has a Boy Scouts home on the premises. This park is a tributeContinue reading “Wilderness Artificiality”

A Backyard Wilderness

Some say wilderness is a concept. Wilderness is an ideal rather than a place. It is a projection of our inner desires. There are hundreds of definitions. Whether you know it or not, you have your own. Wilderness means something to you because A Wilderness matters to you. As a child, the wilderness was a giant grapefruitContinue reading “A Backyard Wilderness”

A Tree in the Wind

A tree’s life is about balance. Its soil needs moisture but too much can make it fall. It needs the wind to carry its seeds with the hope that they will prosper. If the wind is too strong a tree may break. What a tree needs most is to be left alone by man.  ImagineContinue reading “A Tree in the Wind”

A New Beginning

Last night a thought came to me. It soon grew into an idea. I am a wilderness seeker. I need the mountains. I need the trees. I need the birds as much as I need air. However, I live thirty minutes from everywhere I need or want to be. I spend more time in myContinue reading “A New Beginning”